The license is to be issued in the local authority where the child resides. If the child does not like in the UK, then the local authority where the license applicant resides, or has their place of business should be used.
Licenses apply to children who have attained age 16 during the academic year, as they are still of compulsory school age until they leave at the end of the summer term.
Firstly check the website for the child's licensing authority to see how many days in advance they will accept applications in order to process it. They vary... so check!
The child's license comes in two parts.
Once ready to submit to license authority, email form and supporting documents, requesting a confirmation of receipt.
Regulations state that the licensing authority may refuse to grant a license if the application is not received at least 21 days before the day on which the first performance or activity takes place.
This is to ensure that the licensing authority has sufficient time to carry out the required checks to ensure the child's safety and well-being.
Completing Part 1 in advance would help speed up the process. Answer all questions and put N/A if a question is not applicable rather than leaving boxes blank.